Family Planning and Birth Control
New River Health District’s Family Planning Program provides women and men in the New River Valley with the ability to decide whether to have children, how many to have, and when to have them. Our friendly, highly-trained staff can help you make the best choices for yourself. All services are confidential, affordable, and available to anyone living in Virginia, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. We also offer confidential services to teens.
Learn more about family planning services provided by NRHD.
To schedule an appointment for family planning and birth control services, contact your local health department.
Click here for patient registration form.
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Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
WIC is a special supplemental nutrition program for Women, Infants and Children. The goal of the program is to improve the health of pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, infants, and children (under 5 years) through better nutrition and access to health care. The program provides screening and referrals to other health, welfare, and social service agencies, nutrition education, breastfeeding promotion and support, as well as supplemental nutritious foods. To be eligible for the WIC Program, applicants must meet categorical, residential, income and nutrition risk requirements.
For more information about the WIC program and to schedule an appointment, call the WIC office at (540) 585-3358.
Baby Care
Registered Nurses, trained in maternal and child health, identify needs, provide clinical services, and coordinate support resources for pregnant women and their children up to age 2.
For more information about the Baby Care program or to schedule an appointment, contact your local health department.
Resource Mothers
Teenagers who are pregnant or parenting their first newborn are eligible to receive adult mentoring services from women who have raised children of their own. Mentors reinforce basic health education related to pregnancy and parenting such as nutrition, infant growth and development, coping skills, and the importance of receiving health care services for themselves and for their infants. Resource Mothers help young parents keep medical appointments, develop plans for the baby’s care, stay in school or continue working, delay repeat pregnancies until adulthood, and solve the myriad of day-to-day problems involved in being a new parent.
Resource Mothers also administer the Safety (Car) Seat Program. The Low-Income Safety (Car) Seat Program provides car safety seat education and distributes free child safety seats to eligible low-income families.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact your local health department.
Click here for Maternal and Infant referral form.
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Maternity Care
Pregnant women are provided medical examinations; education regarding healthy lifestyle behaviors including nutrition, breastfeeding, exercise, and safety; and referrals to other agencies. Home visiting services, BabyCare and Resource Mothers, are offered to high-risk pregnant women.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact your local health department.
Well Child Care
Infants and children are provided periodic comprehensive medical examinations, immunizations to prevent childhood infectious diseases, developmental screenings, lead screening, parental education regarding nutrition, safety, and health, and referrals to other agencies. Baby Care and Resource Mothers enrollment are offered to high-risk infants and children.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact your local health department.