Rise Above: Harm Reduction Services
Rise Above is a mobile service that aims to reduce harm associated with substance use in the New River Valley by creating a non-judgmental and supportive environment, offering harm reduction strategies, education, and resources that empower individuals to make informed choices about their well-being.
See below for the mobile clinic’s calendar and services offered, and visit the Rise Above Facebook page for updates!
Our services:
Hep C and STI testing, treatment, & referrals
Wound care kits
Hygiene kits
Peer support
Referrals and linkages to treatment
Resource navigation
Overdose prevention training
Naloxone kits
Safe use supplies
Fentanyl testing strips
Safe sex kits
Mobile Clinic Calendar
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Pulaski County Health Department
170 4th St. NW
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Giles County
11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Montgomery County and Radford City
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Pulaski County Health Department
170 4th St. NW
Contact Information
On-Demand Services
Call or text a Rise Above staff member for on-demand services: (540) 744 -6441 OR (540) 922 - 9742
Rise Above is Expanding in 2025!
We're growing to better serve our community. Here’s what’s coming:
On-demand outreach in every locality
Expanded safe use materials, including snorting kits, cottons, cleaning basins, and boofing kits
VT student groups creating educational flyers for participants
New participant survey to improve services
Mobile Services
New mobile clinic launch for greater accessibility
Telehealth services for convenience and support
Regular testing and family planning care
Wound care services
Oral health care in collaboration with Wytheville Community College
Staff Development
Enhanced staff training and participation in state conferences
Focus on intentional team building and self-care
Addition of medical residents and care coordinator added to the team
Community Education & Advocacy
Partnering with NRV Resiliency Network to offer Trauma-Informed Care trainings
Expanding our social media presence to reach more people
Community storytelling initiatives
Participation in Appalachian Save a Life Day
Harm reduction presentations and discussions with regional partners
Partner Organizations
NRV Thrive Food Network
Community Health Center of the New River Valley
Instill Mindfulness
New River Valley Regional Jail
Holistic Addictions Recovery, Inc.
New River Valley Community Services
Pulaski County Public Defenders Office
Medical Reserve Corps
Pyramid Healthcare
Chesterfield County Jail
Mount Rogers Health District
ASPIRE Peer Services
Virginia Harm Reduction Coalition
NRVRC NRV Thrive Food Network Community Health Center of the New River Valley Instill Mindfulness New River Valley Regional Jail Holistic Addictions Recovery, Inc. New River Valley Community Services Pulaski County Public Defenders Office Medical Reserve Corps Pyramid Healthcare Chesterfield County Jail Mount Rogers Health District ASPIRE Peer Services Virginia Harm Reduction Coalition Savida